Children's Dental Health Foundation

Children's hands surround a pink heart drawn in chalk on the sidewalk


It is the mission of the Children's Dental Health Foundation is to promote the oral and general health of the public by serving as the charitable arm of the Contra Costa Dental Society.


There is a large population of underserved children throughout Contra Costa County. Supported by the dentists of the Contra Costa Dental Society, and in partnership with county and community agencies, the Children's Dental Health Foundation provides a way for this underserved population to be treated.

The Foundation Board members work with Contra Costa Health Services and Head Start to review and select cases for treatment. The dentists who treat the children do so pro bono or are paid according to the Foundation fee schedule.

Donations and proceeds from our Crab Feed, Staff Appreciation Night and other fundraising events support the Children’s Dental Health Foundation.

If you know of a child from a low income family that does not qualify for programs, cannot afford dental care and/or you have questions about the Children’s Dental Health Foundation, please call the Society office at 925.284.8662.